Business communication - MCQs CSEET
1. What does intra personal communication mean.
(a) Communication with ourselves
(b) Communication with other
(c) both (a) & (b)
(d) None of above
2. What does interpersonal communication mean.
(a) Communication with ourselves
(b) Communication with other
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of the above
3. “The language of a politician obscures the truth. The language of an artist reveals it.” Who
spoke these words ?
(a) Salman Rushdie
(b) John Keats
(c) Charles Darwin
(d) JM Keynes
4. “English has become the global language of business and finance.” Who spoke this line ?
(a) John Keats
(b) Salman Rushdie
(c) Nayantara Sehgal
(d) JM Keynes
5. “College teach one thing that is perhaps most valuable for the future employees to know.
This one basic skill is to organize and express ideas in writing and speaking.” Who spoke
these words ?
(a) Nayantara Sehgal
(b) Peter Drucker
(c) John Keats
(d) Salman Rushdie
6. Which of the following feature is not of communication ?
(a) Continuous
(b) Goal Oriented
(c) No flow of Message
(d) Inter-disciplinary Science
7. Study of Body language is known as —
(a) Anthropology
(b) Psychology
(c) Sociology
(d) Political science
8. Study of persuasion, perception and attitude.
(a) Anthropology
(b) Psychology
(c) Sociology
(d) Political science
9. Study of voting behaviour is known as.
(a) Sociology
(b) Political Science
(c) Anthropology
(d) Both (a) & (b)
10. Which of the following is not an importance of communication.
(a) Human Relation
(b) Inter-disciplinary science
(c) Personal Asset
(d) Public Relation
11. Which is not a type of verbal communication.
(a) Oral
(b) Written
(c) Visual
(d) Gestures
12. Which is not a type of Non Verbal Communication.
(a) Gestures (b) Movements
(c) Eye contacts (d) Visual
13. Which of the feature belongs to choice of means and mode of communication.
(a) Nature of organisation
(b) Variable Means
(c) Distance Involved
(d) None of these
14. __________ is necessary for the completion of communication process.
(a) Encoding
(b) Decoding
(c) Feedback
(d) None of the above
15. Which of the following is not a part of seven ‘C’s of Effective communication.
(a) Clarity of expression
(b) Conciseness in presentation
(c) Correctness of facts
(d) Completeness of information
16. Which mode of communication is internal communication.
(a) Verbal communication
(b) Non verbal communication
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of the above
17. Which is not a communication flow.
(a) Upward
(b) Horizontal
(c) Vertical
(d) Diagonal
18. Which is a barrier to communication.
(a) True assumption
(b) Trust and confidence
(c) Planned way
(d) Ambiguity
19. Communication is essentially a __________ process.
(a) One way
(b) Three way
(c) Four way
(d) Two way
20. Facial expression; gestures; eye contact; nodding the head and physical appearance are
the form of:
(a) Verbal Communication
(b) Oral Communication
(c) Non Verbal Communication
(d) Visual Communication
21. What is an essential part of Communication?
(a) Ongoing Process
(b) Goal oriented process
(c) To Create mutual understandings
(d) Feedback.
22. Which Communication is essential for insuring mutual co-operation and understanding
between different departments.
(a) Sound Communication
(b) Organizational Communication
(c) Persuasive Communication
(d) Oral Communication
23. Flow of messages through several networks.
(a) Sound Communication
(b) Organizational Communication
(c) Persuasive Communication
(d) Written Communication
24. Which form of communication has a strong cultural context.
(a) Verbal Communication
(b) Non-verbal Communication
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) Oral Communication
25. An advantage of oral communication is:
(a) Partial Listening
(b) Effective tool of persuasion in Management.
(c) One sided Activity
(d) No record or legal liability
1 (a) 2 (b) 3 (a) 4 (c) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (a) 8 (b) 9 (d) 10 (b) 11 (d) 12 (d) 13 (c) 14 (c) 15 (b) 16 (c) 17 (c) 18 (d) 19 (d) 20 (c) 21 (d) 22 (a) 23 (b) 24 (b) 25 (b)
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