Business communication - professional communication MCQs- CSEET
1. Social letters include ______ letters
a) friendly
b) business
c) formal
d) order
Answer: a
Explanation: Broadly, letters can be divided into two types. They are social letters and business letters. Social letters include friendly letters and invitation letters.
2. Which of these is not a type of letter?
a) Friendly
b) Business
c) Application
d) Musical
Answer: d
Explanation: Specifically, letters can be divided into seven types. These include: friendly letters, business letters, application letters, letters of enquiry, adjustment letters, orders and complaint letters.
3. Which of these is not a part of a letter?
a) Date
b) Greeting
c) Photo
d) Signature
Answer: c
Explanation: Any letter must have seven parts: The writer’s address, the date, the courteous greeting or salutation, the main contents of the letter, the courteous leave-taking, the signature and the information on the envelope.
4. The writer’s address is placed at the top left corner.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Explanation: The statement is false. The writer’s address is placed at the top right hand corner of the first page. The date should be placed just below it.
5. The salutation is placed at the extreme left hand of the first page.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: The statement is true. The salutation is placed at the extreme left hand of the first page, just below the date.
6. Which of these is used as a form of greeting for business people?
a) Dear Nitin
b) Dear Father
c) Dear Sir
d) Dear Mr.Patel
Answer: c
Explanation: To address business people, we use Dear Sir, Dear Gentleman, etc. We use names when we address friends or family members.
7. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
a) A letter must be written in one single paragraph.
b) A letter must be complete in all respects.
c) A letter must be written in legible handwriting.
d) A letter must be properly punctuated.
Answer: a
Explanation: The incorrect statement is: A letter must be written in one single paragraph. A letter must be divided into paragraphs. A letter must be complete in all respects.
8. Which of these is an example of courteous leave taking?
a) Yours Sincerely
b) Yours sincerely,
c) Yours sincerely
d) Sincerely
Answer: b
Explanation: Courteous leave taking is written below the last word of the letter, and to the right side of the page. It always ends with a comma. And only the first letter must be in capital letter.
9. Where should the signature of the writer be placed?
a) Above the courteous leave taking
b) Below the courteous leave taking
c) Next to the courteous leave taking
d) On the envelope
Answer: b
Explanation: The signature or name of the writer must come below the courteous leave-taking. For example :
Yours sincerely,
Nitin Sharma
10. What is the information endorsed on the envelope?
a) Name
b) Address
c) Name and address
d) Name and date
Answer: c
Explanation: The information endorsed on the envelope is the name and address of the receiver. The writer’s address is written inside, in the letter.
11. Business letters should be concise.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: The statement is true. Business letters should be precise and concise. Businessmen are extremely short of time.
12. Which of these must be avoided in business letters?
a) Polite words
b) Formal words
c) Abbreviations
d) Clear details
Answer: c
Explanation: Words which are non-standard or usage of slang must be avoided. Abbreviations constitutes non- standard usage. For example, use advertisement instead of advt.
13. The mode of payment must be stated in business letters.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: The statement is true. The mode of payment must be stated in business letters. Also, the way the goods need to be transported has to be mentioned.
14. Which of these must not be mentioned in a business letter?
a) Information of the quality of the order
b) Name of the firm
c) The mode of payment
d) With regards
Answer: d
Explanation: A business letter must have clear details of articles required, giving precise information of the quality and quantity you wish to order. Also, the mode of payment has to be mentioned.
15. Where should the name of the firm be mentioned?
a) Right of the page
b) Below the address of the writer
c) Above the address of the writer
d) On the last page of the letter
Answer: b
Explanation: The name of the firm or businessman to whom the letter is addressed should be written on the first page of the letter to the left of the page, just below the address of the writer.
16. Which of these is not a mode of address for any letter?
a) To a tradesman
b) To a child
c) To a firm
d) To professional men
Answer: b
Explanation: The modes of address vary depending on the person to whom the letter has been addressed: to a tradesman, to a firm or to professional men.
17. Which of these is not used to conclude a business letter?
a) Yours faithfully
b) Yours truly
c) Yours sincerely
d) With kind regards
Answer: c
Explanation: Always begin a business letter with “Dear Sir” and conclude with “Yours faithfully”, “Yours truly”, etc.. but not “Yours sincerely”.
18. Which of these should not be present in a business letter?
a) The name of firm or businessman
b) The date
c) Business jargon
d) Courteous leave-taking
Answer: c
Explanation: A business letter should be free of business or technical jargon or stereotyped expressions which convey nothing.
19. The space to be left from the top is ___
a) 5 cms
b) 2.5 cms
c) 4 cms
d) 2 cms
Answer: a
Explanation: There is a need to place the letter on the sheet as per accepted norms. The space left in a letter is 5 cms at the top and at the bottom and 2.5 cms on the sides.
20. Where are the details of enclosures mentioned?
a) Beginning of the letter
b) Below the signature column
c) Right-hand side of the letter
d) Main body of the letter
Answer: b
Explanation: The detail of enclosures is placed below the signature column. They are aligned with the left-hand side of the letter.
21. Which of these are the most common type of business letters?
a) Letters of application
b) Letters of enquiry
c) Letters of order
d) Letters of adjustment
Answer: b
Explanation: Letters of enquiry are the most common type of business letters. These should be written with due care. They must create the right impression.
22. Which of these is not a type of letters of enquiry?
a) General enquiries
b) Personal enquiries
c) Sales related enquiries
d) Status enquiries
Answer: b
Explanation: Letters of enquiry can be of three types. They are : General enquiries, sales related enquiries and status enquiries.
23. Which of these is not a letter of enquiry?
a) General enquiry
b) Status enquiry
c) Friendly enquiry
d) Sales related enquiry
Answer: c
Explanation: Letters of enquiry are of three types: General enquiries, status enquiries and sales related enquiries. Friendly enquiry doesn’t exist.
24. General enquiry letters do not result in any business return.
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: The statement is true. General enquiry letters do not result in any business return. They are used to accumulate information for business or private research.
25. Sales related enquiries seek information regarding the business practice of enterprises.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
Explanation: The statement is false. Status enquiries seek information regarding the business practice of enterprises. Sales related enquiries seek information regarding purchase of a product.
26. Which of these seek information regarding purchase of a product?
a) General enquiry
b) Status enquiry
c) Sales related enquiry
d) Private enquiry
Answer: c
Explanation: Sales related enquiries seek information regarding purchase of a product or service. Status enquiries seek information regarding the business practices of enterprises.
27. What is the best way to seek information regarding finance?
a) Schools
b) Banks
c) Shops
d) Post office
Answer: b
Explanation: Status enquiries seek information regarding the financial viability and business practices of enterprises. The best way to seek information on matters regarding finance is through banks or financial institutions.
28. Which of these details is not required in a letter of enquiry?
a) Mode of packing
b) Mode of payment
c) Mode of transport
d) Age of owner
Answer: d
Explanation: Only relevant details must be stated in a letter of enquiry, such as: the purpose for which the item is required, the mode of payment, the mode of transport, the mode of packing, the expected delivery schedule, etc. The owner’s age isn’t relevant as it won’t influence the business in any way.
29. Where should the name and address of the firm writing the letter be mentioned in a letter of enquiry?
a) Top left corner
b) Top right corner
c) Bottom left corner
d) Bottom right corner
Answer: b
Explanation: The name and address of the firm writing the letter of enquiry should be mentioned on the top right corner along with the date below it.
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