Company law important forms
Section 149 to 172 read with
Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014.
Form DIR–1: Application for including the name in the databank of Independent directors. (This form has been abolished.)
Form DIR–2: Consent to act as director of the company.
Form DIR–3: Application for Allotment of DIN (Director Identification Number.)
Form DIR–4: Verification of Applicant for DIN (Abolished.)
Form DIR–5: Application for Surrender of DIN (Director Identification Number)
Form DIR–6: Intimation of change in particulars of Director to be given to the Central Government.
Form DIR–7: Verification of Applicant for change in DIN particulars (Abolished.)
Form DIR–8: Intimation by the director to the company before appointment. Form DIR–9: Report by the company to Registrar after defaulting u/s 164(2). Form DIR–10: Application for removal of disqualification of directors.
Form DIR– 11: Notice of resignation by a director to the Registrar (Optional).
Form DIR– 12: Particulars of appointment of directors and the key managerial personnel and the changes amongst them.
Section 184 - Disclosure of interest by director Section 188 - Related party transactions read with Companies (Meetings of Board and its Powers) Rules, 2014.
Form MBP–1: Notice of interest by director u/s 184(1).
Form MBP–4: Register of contracts with related party and contracts with bodies corporate etc. in which directors are interested u/s 189.
Section 185 - Loan to directors, etc.
Section 186 - Loan and investment by company read with Companies (Meetings of Board and its Powers) Rules, 2014.
Form MBP–2: Register of loans, guarantee, security and acquisition made by the company u/s 186(9).
Form MBP–3: Register of investments not held in its own name by the company u/s 187.
Section 196 to 205 and 441, 448, 449, 450, 463
read with Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014.
Form MR–1: Return to ROC of appointment of managerial personnel as per schedule V.
Form MR–2: Form of application to the Central Government for approval of appointment or re-appointment and remuneration, or increase in remuneration, or waiver for excess or over payment to managing director or whole time director or manager, and payment of commission or remuneration to directors beyond limits.
Form MR–3: Secretarial Audit Report.
Form MGT – 11:- Proxy form.
Form MGT – 12:- Polling Paper.
Form MGT – 13:- Report of Scrutinizer(s).
Form MGT – 14:- Filing of Resolutions and agreements to the Registrar.
Form MGT – 15:- Form for filing report on Annual General Meeting.
Form PAS– 1: Advertisement giving details of notice of special resolution for varying the terms of any contract referred to in the prospectus or altering the objects for which the prospectus was issued.
Form PAS– 2: Information Memorandum.
Form PAS– 3: Return of Allotment.
Form PAS– 4: Private placement offer cum application form.
Form PAS– 5: Record of a private placement offer i.e. list of offerees.
Form SH – 1: Share Certificate.
Form SH – 2: Register of Renewed and Duplicate Share Certificates.
Form SH – 3: Register of Sweat Equity Shares.
Form SH – 4: Securities Transfer Form.
Form SH – 5: Notice for transfer of partly paid up securities.
Form SH – 6: Register of Employee Stock Options.
Form SH – 7: Notice to Registrar of any alteration of share capital.
Form SH – 8: Letter of Offer.
Form SH – 9: Declaration of Solvency.
Form SH – 10: Register of shares or other securities bought back.
Form SH – 11: Return in respect of buy-back of securities.
Form SH – 12: Debenture Trust Deed. Form SH – 13: Nomination Form.
Form SH – 14: Cancellation or variation of nomination.
Form SH – 15: Certificate of Compliance in respect of buy-back of securities.
Various Forms Relevant for section 88 to 95
FORM MGT – 1: Register of Members
FORM MGT – 2: Register of debenture holders/other securities holders
FORM MGT – 3: Notice of situation or change of situation or discontinuation of situation, of place where foreign register shall be kept
FORM MGT – 4: Declaration by the registered owner of shares who does not hold the beneficial; interest in such shares
FORM MGT – 5: Declaration by the beneficial owner who holds or acquires beneficial interest in shares but whose name is not entered in the register of members
FORM MGT – 6: Return to the Registrar in respect of declaration under section 89 received by the company
FORM MGT – 7: Annual Return
FORM MGT – 8: Certificate of annual return
FORM MGT – 9: Extract of annual return
FORM MGT – 10: Changes in shareholding position of promoters and top ten shareholders
Form DPT– 1: Circular or Circular in the Form of Advertisement Inviting Deposits.
Form DPT 2: Deposit Trust Deed.
Form DPT 3: Return of deposits.
Form DPT 4: Statement regarding deposits existing on commencement of the Act.
Form CHG –1: Application to ROC for registration of –
(a) Creation of charge, or
a. Modification of charge, or
b. Property acquired subject to charge.
(other than those created in favour of debenture-holders) including particulars of modification of charges by Asset Reconstruction Company in terms of Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Securities Interest Act, 2002 (SARFAESI),
Form CHG – 9: Application to ROC for registration of creation or modification of charge for debenture-holders or rectification of particulars filed in respect of creation or modification of charge for debenture-holders.
Form CHG – 2: Certificate of registration of charge issued by ROC.
Form CHG – 3: Certificate of registration of modification of charge issued by ROC.
Form CHG – 4: Particulars for satisfaction of charge thereof filed to ROC.
Form CHG – 5: Memorandum of satisfaction of charge issued by ROC.
Form CHG – 6: Notice to ROC about appointment or cessation of receiver or manager.
Form CHG – 7: Register of charges maintained by each company at its registered office.
Form CHG – 8: Application to Central Government for extension of time for filing particulars of satisfaction of charge OR for rectification of omission or mis-statement of any particular in respect of creation / modification / satisfaction of charge.
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