Company Secretary course new changes
The Gazette Notification on the Company Secretaries (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 has been published on 3rdFebruary, 2020 in the Official Gazette of India and the same shall be applicable from the said date of publication.
With the introduction of new regulations, a number of processes / guidelines have changed. A summary of such changes in the student registration, examination enrollment, etc. are furnished hereunder :
New Admissions to the Foundation Programme of CS Course stands discontinued.
(Note : Existing Foundation Programme Students shall be allowed to appear in the Foundation Programme Examinations till expiry of the validity of their registrations. Such students, after passing the Foundation Programme Examinations, may register for Executive Programme as per existing process.)
CS Executive Entrance Test (CSEET) is being introduced which will be a mandatory qualifying test for all categoriesof students for registration to Executive Programme except a few exempted categories. Graduates / Post Graduates, who were hitherto eligible to seek registration directly to Executive Programme, will also have to qualify the CSEET to become eligible for registration to Executive Programme.
The following categories of students shall be exempted from qualifying CSEET and can seek registration directly to Executive Programme : a) CS Foundation Programme passed studentsExemption Fee : Nilb) ICAI (The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India) FinalCourse passed students.Exemption Fee :Rs.5000/-c) ICMAI (The Institute of Cost Accountants of India) Final Coursepassed students.Exemption Fee:Rs.5000/-
Revised Fee Structure for registration to Executive Programme is given below : Particulars. CSEET passed. CSFoundation passed ICAI Final passed. ICMAI Final passed Regn fee2000200020002000Education fee6500650065006500CSEET Exemption feeNILNIL50005000Pre exam test fee1000100010001000one day orientation fee600600600600Chartered secy journal - 1 yr500500500500Total10600106001560015600
The first CS Executive Entrance Test shall be tentatively held in the month of May, 2020. Tentative schedule for conducting CS Executive Entrance Test throughout the year shall be as under : Month of ExaminationPeriod During which candidates can register forCSEETDate of CSEETLast Date for Declaration of ResultsCut-off date of registration in CS Executive ProgrammeMay21st January to 15th AprilOn Saturday (which is close to 10thMay)By 20th May31st May (for appearing in both modules of Executive Program in Decembersession in same year)July21st May to 15thJuneOn Saturday (which is close to 10thJuly)By 20th July31st July (for appearing in single module of Executive Program in Decembersession in same year)November21st July to 15thOctoberOn Saturday ( which is close to 10thNovember)By 20thNovember30th November (for appearing in bothmodules of Executive Program inJune session in next year)January21st November to 15thDecemberOn Saturday (which is close to 10thJanuary)By 20thJanuary31st January (forappearing in single module of Executive Program in Junesession in same year)
The CS Executive Entrance Test shall be conducted on a single day as per the following :
Computer Based Test of 120 Minutes consisting of four parts viz. (i) Business Communication;
(ii) Legal Aptitude & Logical Reasoning (iii) Economic and Business Environment & (iv) Current Affairs; and
Viva Voce of 15 Minutes on “Presentation and Communication Skills”
The CSEET shall be an online Computer-based Test. CSEET will be comprising of MCQs, audio clips, video clips, and descriptive questions.
An aggregate of 50% and minimum 40% marks in each subject will be the qualifying criteria for CSEET. The durationof CSEET shall be 135 minutes (120 Minutes for MCQ test and 15 minutes for Viva Voce). There will be no negativemarking.
The cut-off dates for registration to Executive Programme and Professional Programme for appearing in the Company Secretaries Examinations held in June and December every year stands changed as under : No. of Module(s) in which a Student can appear in the ExaminationsCut-off date for Registration to Executive/ Professional ProgrammeJune All Modules 30th November (previous year)JuneAny one module31st January (same Year)DecemberAll Modules31st May (same year)DecemberAny One Module 31st July (same year)
Provisional Registration to Executive Programme stands discontinued.
Executive and Professional Programme Students (Syllabus 2017 onwards) shall successfully complete a Pre-Examination Test to become eligible for seeking enrolment to the main examinations.
Registration of Executive and Professional Programme students should be valid as on the date of submission of examination enrolment application. If the validity of registration has expired, they will have to seek Registration Denovo to become eligible for submission of examination enrolment request.
Students enrolled for the main examinations and are desirous of submitting requests for change of Examination Centre, Medium, Combination of Modules shall be required submit formal requests 30 days prior to the date of commencement of examinations.
A new clause “Continuation of Registration” is being introduced according to which the students will have to keeptheir registration renewed from time to time even after passing Professional Programme Stage till completion of all the training requirements so as to become entitled to be enrolled as member of the Institute. The prescribed fee for seeking “Continuation of Registration” shall be Rs.1000/- per year.
The provision of “Extension of Registration” stands discontinued. On expiry of the validity of registration, students of Executive and Professional Programme shall be required to seek renewal through “Registration Denovo” process.
“Chapter VIB
Practical Experience and Training Requirements
46BA. Applicability of provisions of Chapter VIB.-
----- A student who is undergoing training in accordance with the provisions of Chapter VIA or Chapter VII on the date of commencement of the provisions of this Chapter may continue and complete the training in accordance with the provisions of said Chapters:
Provided that such student at his discretion may switchover to training under this Chapter in order to complete his remaining training.
-----A student who had commenced training in accordance with the provisions of Chapter VIA or Chapter VII but subsequently discontinued the same shall resume his remaining training under Chapter VIA or Chapter VII within six months from the date of commencement of this Chapter:
Provided that such student at his discretion may switchover to training under this Chapter to complete his remaining training.
-----Where a student on the date of commencement of the provisions of this Chapter has passed the Executive Programme Examination and is willing to undergo practical training of two years in accordance with the provisions of Chapter VIA, he shall commence the practical training within six months from the date of commencement of the provisions of this Chapter.
-----Where a student who, irrespective of the date of his registration to Executive Programme or Professional Programme, has not commenced his training within the period prescribed in sub-regulation (3), shall undergo practical training in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter.
46BB. Practical experience and training requirement.-
(1) A Student shall complete the following training in such manner and mode as may be determined by the Institute, namely:-
1) A Student shall complete the following training in such manner and mode as may be determined by the Institute, namely:-
Executive Development Programme (EDP) for one month duration after passing of Executive Programme examination;
Practical training for twenty one months after completion of Executive Development Programme on whole time basis during normal working hours,-
-in a company having a company secretary in whole time employment or any other company fulfilling such criteria as may be determined by the Institute; or
-under a Company Secretary in whole-time practice fulfilling such criteria as may be determined by the Institute; or
-in any other body corporate or institution or organisation or entity fulfilling such criteria as may be determined by the Institute;
After passing the Professional Programme Examination, a Corporate Leadership Development Programme (CLDP) for not less than thirty days but not exceeding sixty days as may be determined by the Institute
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