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Indian Economy MCQs Part 2 - CSEET

Writer's picture: Artha Institute of Management Artha Institute of Management

1. First five-year plan in India was from

(A) 1947 - 1952

(B) 1949 - 1954

(C) 1950 - 1955

(D) 1951 - 1956

Ans . D

2. First five-year plan was based on?

(A) Harrod -Domar Model

(B) P.C. Mahalanobis Model

(C) Both of above

(D) None of above

Ans . A

3. Consider the following statements:

1. An increase in GDP implies a better quality of life of the people of the country

2. Services provided by women in their household is not calculated in the GDP

Choose the correct answer from the following code:

(A) Only 1(B) Only 2(C) Both 1 and 2(D) None of the above

Ans: (B)

4. Sustainable Action for Transforming Human capital (SATH) program is launched by:

(A) Niti Aayog(B) Ministry of Human Resource development(C) World Bank and Ministry of Human Resource development (D) None of the above

Ans: (A)

5. Which five-year plan is also known as "Gadgil Yojana"?

(A) Second Five Year Plan

(B) Third Five Year Plan

(C) Fourth Five Year Plan

(D) Fifth Five Year Plan

Ans . C

6. Green Revolution started in

(A) 1964-65

(B) 1965-66

(C) 1966-67

(D) 1967-68

Ans . C

7. National Rural Employment Programme started in ?

(A) 1979

(B) 1980

(C) 1981

(D) 1982

Ans . B

8. Pradhan Mantri Gramodaya Yojana started in ?

(A) 1999

(B) 2000

(C) 2001

(D) 2002

Ans . B

9. National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme started in ?

(A) 2005

(B) 2006

(C) 2007

(D) 2008

Ans . B

10. Reserve bank of India was established on

(A) 1st April 1935

(B) 1st April 1936

(C) 1st April 1937

(D) 1st April 1938

Ans . A

11. Banking regulation act was passed in?

(A) 1947

(B) 1948

(C) 1949

(D) 1950

Ans . C

12. First Regional Rural Bank came into existence in,

(A) 1973

(B) 1974

(C) 1975

(D) 1976

Ans . C

13. Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) established in

(A) 1964

(B) 1965

(C) 1966

(D) 1967

Ans . A

14. Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI) was established in :

(A) 1946

(B) 1947

(C) 1948

(D) 1949

Ans . C

15. Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India (ICICI) was established in :

(A) 1989

(B) 1990

(C) 1991

(D) 1992

Ans . C

16. Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) was established in :

(A) 1986

(B) 1987

(C) 1988

(D) 1989

Ans . D

17. Which five-year plan focused on "Growth with social justice and equity".

(A) Ninth Five Year Plan

(B) Eight Five Year Plan

(C) Seventh Five Year Plan

(D) Sixth Five Year Plan

Ans . A

18. Planning Commission was constituted on?

(A) 15 March 1948

(B) 15 March 1949

(C) 15 March 1950

(D) 15 March 1951

Ans . C

19. National Development Council was constituted on

(A) 2 August 1952

(B) 6 August 1952

(C) 8 August 1952

(D) 12 August 1952

Ans . B

20. Gilt-edged market means

(A) the market of government securities

(B) bullion market

(C) market dealing with metals

(D) market dealing with exports

Ans . A

21. Gross domestic capital formation is defined as

(A) the flow of expenditure devoted to increased or maintaining of the capital stock

(B) expenditure incurred on physical assets only

(C) production exceeding demand

(D) net addition to stock after depreciation

Ans . D

22. What is the target of average economic growth rate (GDP) during the 12th Five Year Plan?

A - 7.8%

B - 8.7%

C - 9%

D - 10%

Answer : C

23. Consider the following statement about Gross National Product

1. It Includes Factor income earned by the factors of production of the rest of the world employed in the domestic economy2. It excludes Factor income earned by the domestic factors of production employed in the rest of the world

Choose the correct answer from the following code:

(A) Only 1(B) Only 2(C) Both 1 and 2

(D) None of the above

Ans: (D)

24. Consider the following statement

1. Net National Product at market price = Gross Domestic Product – Depriciation 2. Net National Income at factor cost = Personal Income

Choose the correct answer from the following code:

(A) Only 1(B) Only 2(C) Both 1 and 2(D) None of the above

Ans: (a)

25. Consider the following statements:

1. Real GDP increases when the value of goods and services increases.

2. Nominal GDP is the value of GDP at current prevailing prices

Choose the correct answer from the following code:

(A) Only 1(B) Only 2(C) Both 1 and 2(D) None of the above

Ans: (B)

26. Which of the following indicators are a part of ease of doing business index released by the World Bank

  1. Getting electricity

  2. Registering property

  3. Resolving insolvency

  4. Trading across borders

  5. Access to credit

Choose the correct answer from the following code:

(A) 1,3 and 4 only (B) 2,3,4 and 5 only (C) 1,3,4 and 5 only (D) All of the above

Ans: (D)

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