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Legal terms, Phrases and maxims for CSEET part 4

Writer's picture: Artha Institute of Management Artha Institute of Management

Legal terms, Phrases and Maxims are usually precise shorter words or sentences which can provide larger meanings. Some of the words mentioned in different places denotes entirely different meanings.

In this series we are trying to provide such legal terms, phrases and maxims and for more you can always be in touch with me.

• Dactylography - The scientific study of fingerprints as a method of identification.

• Damage - A sum of money which the court orders he defendant to pay to the plaintiff as compensation for breach of contract or tort, (i.e.civil wrong)

• Damnify - To cause loss, to cause hurt or injury.

• Death - The ending of life, the cessation of vital functions and signs.

• Debenture - A document or certificate signed by the officer of a corporation acknowledging indebtedness for money lent and guaranteeing repayment with interest.

• Debtor - one who owes an obligation to another especially an obligation to pay money.

• Deceit - The act of intentionally giving a false impression.

• Decree - A judicial determination after consideration of the facts and the law.

• Deed - A written statement which is signed, sealed and delivered.

• Deemed - To be treated as.

• Defamation - Publication of a false or derogatory statement regarding a person, which lowers his reputation in the eyes of members of the society.

• Defend - To deny, contest or oppose.

• Defendant - A person against whom any court proceeding is brought for trial.

• Denial - The court's refusal to grant a request presented in a motion or petition.

• Deponent - A statement on oath of a witness in a judicial proceeding.

• Derogation - The partial repeal or abrogation of a law by a later act that limits its scope or impairs its utility and force.

• Dysnomy - Bad laws, the enactment of bad legislation.

• Damnum sine injuria: Damage without injury.

• de facto: fin fact] Existing as a matter of fact rather than of right. Example - As prime minister of India is the de facto head of the government though the President is the de jure or nominal or tutorial head of the state.

• Defamation: The publication of an untrue statement about a person that tends to lower his reputation in the opinion of right thinking members of the community or to make them shun or avoid him. Defamation is usually in words, but pictures, gestures, and other acts can be defamatory.

• Defendant: A person against whom court proceeding are bought.

• De jure: As a matter of legal right. Like, The President of India is the de jure head of the state.

• Deliaquency: The act of committing crime, usually minor crime.

• Demagogue: Leader who is able to get the support of the people by exciting their feeling and prejudices.

• Discharge of contract: The termination of a contractual obligation. Discharge may take place by.

• Double jeopardy: No person may be put in jeopardy of life or limb for the same offence. A defence to a prosecution for a crime, raising the claim that the accused is being placed on trial for a second time for the same offence.

• Duress: Pressure, especially actual or threatened physical force, put on a person to act in a particular way. Acts carried out under duress usually have no legal effect. For example, a contract obtained by duress is voidable.

• Dammun sine injuria - Damage without Legal injury.

• Dei gratia - By God’s grace.

• Doli incapax - Incapable of committing crime e.g. a child under 7 year of age.

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