Listening skills MCQs -CSEET
1 Listening means to respond to advice or request.
(a) True
(b) False
2. Which of these is not a step in the listening process?
(a) To stop talking
(b) Receiving
(c) Misinterpreting
(d) Responding
3. Which of these is the first step in the listening process?
(a) Stop talking
(b) Receiving
(c) Interpreting
(d) Responding
4. Which of these is the third step in the listening process?
(a) Stop talking
(b) Interpreting
(c) Responding
(d) Receiving
5. __________ is the last step of the listening process.
(a) Receiving
(b) Interpreting
(c) Responding
(d) Stop talking
6. Hearing means perceiving with ears.
(a) True
(b) False
7. Which of these is not a type of listening?
(a) Appreciative listening
(b) Superficial listening
(c) Focused listening
(d) Musical listening
8. Which of these types of listening lacks depth?
(a) Appreciative listening
(b) Superficial listening
(c) Focused listening
(d) Evaluative listening
9. In which of these types of listening, does the listener feel grateful?
(a) Superficial listening
(b) Attentive listening
(c) Appreciative listening
(d) Evaluative listening
10. Which of these types of listening is followed by skilled listeners?
(a) Focused listening
(b) Evaluative listening
(c) Attentive listening
(d) Empathetic listening
11. In which of these, the listener puts himself in place of the speaker?
(a) Focused listening
(b) Evaluative listening
(c) Attentive listening
(d) Empathetic listening
12. A successful manager should be a trained listener.
(a) True
(b) False
13. Which of these should be avoided for effective listening?
(a) Pre-listening analysis
(b) Listening to structured talks
(c) Team listening
(d) Predicting
14. In which of these does the listener pick up special features of the speech?
(a) Listening in conversational interaction
(b) Listening to structured talks
(c) Predicting
(d) Team listening
15. A well organised talk is a __________ talk.
(a) short
(b) long
(c) random
(d) structured
16. Which of these should be avoided in pre-listening analysis?
(a) Mental discipline
(b) Concentration
(c) Prejudices
(d) Patience
17. Predicting is the technique to forecast what the speaker will say.
(a) True
(b) False
18. In which of these, should the listener be able to make connections between different
segments of the speech?
(a) Listening to structured talks
(b) Links between parts of the speech
(c) Team listening
(d) Predicting
19. Which of these is based of effective listening?
(a) Note taking
(b) Notice writing
(c) Letter writing
(d) Predicting
20. Which of these should be avoided while note taking?
(a) Concentration
(b) Evaluation
(c) Listening
(d) Using phrases
21. Which of these is not a type of text for reading?
(a) Reference material
(b) Chats
(c) Scientific text
(d) Technical text.
22. Which of these is not a deterrent to the listening process?
(a) Lack of interest
(b) Ego
(c) Confidence
(d) Fear
1 (a) 2 (c) 3 (a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (a)
7 (d) 8 (b) 9 (c) 10 (b) 11 (d) 12 (a)
13 (d) 14 (a) 15 (d) 16 (c) 17 (a) 18 (b)
19 (a) 20 (b) 21 (b) 22 (c)
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