Logical Aptitude clocks mcq - CSEET
1. How many degrees does an hour-hand move in 10 minutes?
1) 10° 2) 20° 3) 15° 4) 5° 5) 7½°
2. How many degrees will the minute -hand move, in the same time, in which the hour -hand moves 10°?
1) 40° 2) 80° 3) 90° 4) 160° 5) 120°
3. How many degrees will the minute - hand move, in the same time in which the second hand moves 300°?
1) 6° 2) 5° 3) 4° 4) 10° 5) 9°
4. A boy observes the reflection of a wall clock in a mirror. The time observed by the boy in the mirror is 4 hours 20 minutes. What is the actual time shown on the clock?
1) 7 hours 15 minutes 2) 7 hours 50 minutes
3) 7 hours 40 minutes 4) 7 hours 35 minutes
5) 7 hours 55 minutes
5. If the time in a clock is 7 hours 15 minutes, then what time does it show on the mirror?
1) 4 hours 50 minutes 2) 4 hours 40 minutes
3) 4 hours 35 minutes 4) 4 hours 45 minutes
5) 4 hours 25 minutes
6. At what angle are the hands of a clock inclined at 4 hours 20 minutes? 1) 5° 2) 10° 3) 20° 4) 25° 5) 15°
7. The time on watch is 4:30. If the minute hand points toward the south, the hour hand will point towards.
1) South-east 4) North-west
2) East 5) North-east
3) West
8. What is the angle between the two hand of a clock, when the clock shows 3 hours 25 minutes? 1) 45 ½° 2) 46° 3) 46 ½° 4) 47 ½° 5) 52 ½°
9. What is the angle between the two hands of a clock, when the time is 2 hours 35 minutes? 1) 122 ½° 2) 142 ½° 3) 132 ½° 4) 116 ½° 5) 147 ½°
10. At what time between 6 and 7 O' clock, are the hands of a clock together?
1) 6 hours 32 8/11 minutes 2) 6 hours 33 6/11 minutes
3) 6 hours 34 5/11 minutes 4) 6 hours 29 7/11 minutes
5) 6 hours 27 9/11 minutes
11. At what time between 3 and 4 O clock are the hands of a clock in the opposite direction?
1) 3 hours 48 6/11 minutes 2) 3 hours 53 2/11 minutes
3) 3 hours 50 4/11 minutes 4) 3 hours 47 2/11 minutes
5) 3 hours 49 1/11 minutes
12. At what angel are the hands of clock inclined at 20 minutes past 7? 1) 80° 2) 90° 3) 100° 4) 120° 5) 150°
13. The angle between the two hands of a clock is 70°, when the hour hand is between 7 and 8. What time does the watch show?
1) 7 hours 50 10/11 minutes 2) 7 hours 25 5/11 minutes
3) 7 hours 42 8/11 minutes 4) 7 hours 32 7/11 minutes
5) Both 1) and 2)
14. What time does the clock show when the hour hand is between 3 and 4 and the angle between the two hands of the clock is 50°?
1) 8 5/11 min past 3 4) 32 5/11 min past 3
2) 25 5/11 min past 3 5) Both 1) and 2)
3) 24 6/11 min past 3
15. At what time between 5 and 6 O' Clock, will the hands of a clock be at an angle of 62°?
1) 5 hours 17 2/11 minutes 2) 5 hours 38 6/11 minutes
3) 5 hours 16 minutes 4) Both 1) and 3)
5) Both 2) and 3)
16. A watch, which gains uniformly, was observed to be 4 minutes, slow at 6 a.m. on a Monday. On the subsequent Thursday at 7 p.m. it was noticed that the watch was 6 minutes fast. When did the watch show the correct time?
1) 5 p.m. Tuesday 4) 3 p.m. Tuesday
2) 4 p.m. Tuesday 5) p.m. Tuesday
3) 6 p.m. Tuesday
17. The minute- hand of a clock overtakes the hour hand at intervals of 66 minutes of the correct time how much in a day does the clock gain or lose?
1) 10 113/121 minutes 2) 11 115/121 minutes
3) 11 109/121 minutes 4) 10 104/121 minutes
5) 10 117/121 minutes
18. The minute -hand of a clock overtakes the hour hand at intervals of 62 minutes of a correct time. How much in a day does the clock gain or loss?
1) 80 80/341 minutes 4) 80 60/341 minutes
2) 85 90/311 minutes 5) 80 65/341 minutes
3) 80 70/341 minutes
19. A watch, which gain uniformly, was observed to be 5 minutes slow at 12 noon on Monday. It was noticed 10 minutes fast at 6 p.m. on the next day. When did the watch show the correct time?
1) 9 p.m., the same day 2) 9 hours 30 minutes p.m., the same day
3) 10 hours 30 minutes p.m., the same day 4) 10 p.m., the same day
5) 11 p.m., the same day
20. A watch showed 5 minutes past 3 O’ clock on Sunday evening when the correct time was 3 O’ clock. It loses uniformly and was observed to be 10 minutes slow on the subsequent Tuesday at 9 p.m. When did the watch show the correct time?
1) 8 a.m. Monday 2) 10 a.m. Monday
3) 8 a.m. Monday 4) 11a.m. Monday
5) 9 a.m. Monday
21. A clock is set to show the correct time at 8 a.m. The clock gains 10 minutes in a day. What will be the approximate time, when the watch indicates 4 p.m. the next day?
1) 3 hours 36 minutes 2) 3 hours 47 minutes
3) 3 hours 50 minutes 4) 3 hours 54 minutes
5) None of these
22. A clock is set to show the correct time at 10 a.m. The clock loses 12 min in a day. What will be the appropriate time when the watch indicates 5 p.m. on the next day?
1) 4:35 p.m. 2) 4:55 p.m. 3) 4:45 p.m. 4) 4:50 p.m.
23. A watch, which loses uniformly was observed to be 12 minutes less than correct time at 6th of a month. It showed 20 minutes less than the correct time at 6 p.m. on the 10th of the same month. When did the watch show the correct time?
1) 9:15 p.m. on the 7th 2) 9:50 a.m. on the 8th 3) 9:35 p.m. on the 9th 4) 9:20 p.m. on 7th
5) 9:25 p.m. on 7th
24. There are two clocks on a wall, both set to show the correct time at 8 a.m. One clock loses two minutes in an hour while the other gains on minute one hour. By how many minutes do the two clocks differ at 12noon on the same day?
1) 6 minutes 2) 9 minutes
3) 8 minutes 4) 15 minutes
5) 12 minutes
25. There are two clocks on a wall, both set to show the correct time at 12 noon. Both the clocks gain 1 minute and 2 minutes respectively in an hour. If the clock which gains 1 minute in one hour shows the time as 8 minutes past 8 p.m. on the same day, then what time does the other watch show?
1) 8 hours 4 minutes 4) 7 hours 8 minutes
2) 8 hours 8 minutes 5) 8 hours 24 minutes
3) 8 hours 16 minutes
Q Ans Q Ans Q Ans Q Ans Q Ans
1 4 6 2 11 5 16 2 21 2
2 5 7 1 12 3 17 3 22 3
3. 2 8 4 13 5 18 1 23 1
4 3 9 3 14 2 19 4 24 5
5 4 10 1 15 5 20 5 25 3
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