Telephonic Conversation - verbal or non verbal
One of the biggest doubt raised by most of the people are is telephonic discussion is verbal communication or non verbal communication. Some of the experts on Human Resources also finding it difficult to understand the real nature of communication happens in telephonic discussion.
Let us try to understand how a telephonic discussion can be non verbal.
We may wonder about the purpose of smiling while we are talking on the telephone. After all, the other person can't see our smile, so what's the point? While it's true that your smile can't be seen, it can definitely be heard. Putting a smile in your voice projects an image that will help you establish rapport and build long-term, lasting business relationships, while creating a lasting, positive impression.
We may argue that, while at home we usually wearing casual dresses or night dresses, do that will make a difference. It may not, as the other person may not see that, but your body language will be revealed over the phone call. You know that your body language will affect our attitude and also have big impact on the words and tone of speech.
If you have an ultra-casual, laid back, feet-on-the-desk posture, it is sure to come through in your voice and your attitude. You run the risk of sounding uncaring or disrespectful. You should not slouch either as it projects a sloppy, indifferent attitude. Additionally, slouching restricts your diaphragm, the muscle that allows you to support and project your voice. Sitting up straight with your feet on the floor gives the best impression.
Your body language is clearly reflected in your voice and it comes through loud and clear on the telephone. Although you can't see the other person, behave as you would if he was sitting across the conference room table from you.
While attitude is more difficult to measure than a smile or body language, it is a critical part of non-verbal communication. It's easy to spot a person with a bad attitude. It is also easy to hear one. Attitude is everything over the telephone. Either you're there to help, or you're not. A bad attitude can't be masked by the best telephone etiquette. It colors the entire interaction. A positive attitude, however, can make up for all sorts of deficiencies.
our non-verbal communication speaks volumes. Make sure it is saying what you want it to say. The list below is a comprehensive review of tips for non-verbal communication:
Put a smile in your voice.
React like it's your best friend on the phone.
Start smiling before you answer the telephone.
Think of every call as a welcome break.
Sit up straight with both feet on the floor.
Don't slouch.
Treat callers with respect.
Focus on what you can do.
Don't take your problems out on a caller.
Try to project a perky, positive, upbeat image.
Although you can't see the person on the other end of the telephone, non-verbal communication speaks loudly. It has strong influence on the impression you project of yourself and your company.
To conclude we can say that, even if we confuse a telephonic conversation as verbal than non verbal, it is more non verbal than verbal.
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