Transfer of property Act MCQ Part 1
1. A gifts a piece of land to B, a gift deed is made and the possession of the gift deed and the property is transferred to B. B delays the registration of the deed and in the meantime A dies. The heirs of A:
A. Can claim the piece of land as valid gift has not been made
B. Cannot claim the piece of land as valid gift has been made
C. Cannot claim the piece of land, if B gets the deed registered before the heirs make a claim
D. Can claim the piece of land, unless B transfers the same to someone else
Ans: B
2. B gifts a share of business to A on the condition that in case B does not like the future daughter-in-law of B, the property will revert back to B. Which of the following statements will apply?
A. The gift and condition and valid
B. The gift is absolute, condition is invalid and discarded
C. The gift is void in totality
D. The gift is valid in case B’s son choose not to marry
Ans: C
3. B leases out commercial property to A for the purpose of starting a hostel for working girls. The lease is for ten years. In the fifth year of the lease, A further leases the whole property to C for four years. After the expiry of ten years, the C remains in the possession of the property and continues to pay the rent to B. Which of the following statements will apply?
A. C is in illegal possession of the property
B. The lease will continue between B and C from year to year basis
C. The lease will continue between B and C from month to month basis
D. The lease has expired, but C can continue enjoying the premises unless B evicts him
Ans: C
4. B makes a gift deed in favour of A. The gift deed contains transfer of three houses unburdened by obligations, two houses which are mortgaged with C, two cars under the hire purchase agreement and three horses, one of which is lame. Which of the following statements will apply?
A. A can accept the whole gift, he has an option to accepting or not accepting the lame horse
B. A must accept the whole gift or refuse the same
C. A can choose to take gift of three houses and avoid all the rest
D. A has a choice to take over movable property and avoid immovable property
Ans: B
5. B transfers some property to C with a condition that in case A marries during B’s lifetime the property will go to B. A marries during B’s life. Which of the following statements will apply?
A. The transfer to C is void and property reverts back to B
B. The transfer and condition are valid, and the property will transfer to A
C. The transfer is valid, but condition is invalid property remains with C
D. The transfer is voidable at C’s option
Ans: B
6. A right to recover cows trapped on the owner’s land will be:
A. Actionable claim
B. Easement
C. License
D. None of these
Ans. (D)
7. A right under irrevocable licence is generally:
A. Heritable
B. Transferable, when not coupled with the transfer of an assignable interest in the property
C. both A and b
D. neither A nor B
Ans. (A)
8. A tenant remaining possession after the determination of the lease is called:
A. Tenant on sufferance
B. Tenant at will
C. either A or B, depending whether he retains possession with or without landlord’s permission
D. both A and B
Ans. (C)
9. According to provisions of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, the easements:
A. Can be transferred
B. Cannot be transferred
C. Cannot be transferred apart from the dominant heritage
D. Can be transferred apart from the dominant heritage
Ans. (C)
10. According to Supreme Court rulings, the renewal of lease is:
A. Continuation of the old lease
B. Anew lease
C. Cannot be made before the expiry of the old lease
D. None of these
Ans. (B)
11. An unequivocal and irrevocable settlement conferring enjoyment rights over the property in present and each getting a specific share in it upon the death of the settlor would create:
A. A contingent interest in favour of each of the beneficiary
B. A vested interest in favour of each of the beneficiary
C. either A or B depending on the facts of the case
D. neither A nor B, as it would be void
Ans. (B)
12. B mortgages a one story house to A. The mortgage is in form of usufructuary mortgage. During the duration of mortgage, A without the permission of B, constructs two more floors, and rented them out. At the time of redemption of the property which of the following statement will apply?
A. A is entitled to set out the rent received on the two floors constructed by him, against the amount spent for construction
B. A is entitled to recover the cost of additional construction from B
C. A in entitled to recover the cost of additional construction from B, or in case of default to destroy the construction done by him
D. None of these
Ans. (D)
13. B transfers some property to C with a condition that in case A marries during B’s lifetime the property will go to B. A marries during B’s life. Which of the following statements will apply?
A. The transfer to C is void and property reverts back to B
B. The transfer and condition are valid, and the property will transfer to A
C. The transfer is valid, but condition is invalid property remains with C
D. The transfer is voidable at C’s option
Ans. (B)
14. Based on court rulings in India which of the following activities will qualify for the purpose of provisions of section 18 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882?
A. A gift for maintenance of property for the benefit of distinguished visitors to neighbourhood
B. A permanent bequest by a Parsi for the performance of muktad ceremonies
C. A gift for dharma
D. A gift for the spread of the Hindu religion
Ans. (B)
15. C and B are two brothers living as joint family. They decided to have a partition. In the partition deed the house with well fell on C, and B was allowed to take water from the well out of brotherly love. The right to take water will be in form of:
A. Easement
B. Revocable licence
C. Irrevocable licence
D. Interest in the property
Ans. (C)
16. Charge can be created by:
A. Act of parties
B. Operation of Law
C. both A and B
D. neither A nor B
Ans. (C)
17. Contract of tenancy can be split up by:
A. Court in eviction proceedings
B. Operation of Law
C. either A or B
D. neither A nor B
Ans. (B)
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